Commercial Wildlife Control in Cleveland 

Commercial-sized buildings and small storefronts alike can easily become victims of critter infestation. The issues that these animals can create are often more problematic than issues with residential critter infestation. Critter Control of Cleveland is experienced in commercial wildlife control and leaders in our industry. Call us today at 216.342.2316 or use our contact form here!

Commercial Wildlife Problems

Our team of professionals can handle any wildlife control in all types of commercial buildings. We can handle any tasks in:

  • condominiums
  • retail stores
  • offices
  • industrial plants
  • military bases
  • apartments
  • warehouses
  • and more

The professional technicians at Critter Control of Cleveland are trained to handle any commercial wildlife control situation in any size commercial building. Commercial wildlife control problems are our specialty! Our staff will work closely with our clients to provide the best possible solution to their wildlife control needs. Whether you need to remove pigeons, skunks, squirrels, moles, or more from your building. The services we provide for our commercial building clients include:  

Commercial building wildlife control in Cleveland Dead Animal Removal 

Whether you have dead rodents in your halls, a deceased raccoon in your warehouse, or any other animal that has passed away in your commercial building, we can take care of it. From finding the deceased animals to sanitizing and deodorizing the area, you'll never know there was an issue. 

Wildlife Trapping

At Critter Control of Cleveland, we trap and remove animals big and small from Cleveland commercial buildings. From raccoons to mice, commercial wildlife trapping is a practice we perform every day. 

Wildlife Removal 

No matter what animal has infested your building, our team will remove any trace of the animal and remove it for good. If animals aren't removed from your commercial building, they can pose a threat to customers, employees, and tenants. Several problems can arise from coming into contact with a wild animal in your Cleveland building, including:

  • Diseases/Parasites
    • Any number of wildlife animals can be host to fleas, ticks, and more pests that can find their way to more new hosts once their host has died.
  • Scratches/Bites
    • Critters like raccoonssquirrelsopossums, and more can scratch or bite when they feel threatened, which can easily happen in a busy commercial building.

Wildlife Damage Repair

It's no secret that wildlife infestations cause damage. Once we remove the animal from your property, we will repair any damage it left behind. The majority of our repairs will also double as prevention techniques! Our repair methods may include insulation restoration, vent screening, sealing entry holes, and deodorization. 

Wildlife Prevention 

To keep wildlife from coming back, we will install prevention methods. Habitat modification, caulking, sealing, and vent management are just some of the techniques we use to keep wildlife from returning to your commercial building. These physical barriers keep your business apart from the animal and allow for the animal to stay in their habitat in the outdoors. 

Wildlife Exclusion & More

No matter what problem your commercial building is facing from wildlife, the experts at Critter Control of Cleveland will take care of it. 

Full-Service Wildlife Control: 

Critter Control of Cleveland provides exceptional commercial wildlife control solutions for wildlife problems, including wildlife removal, critter relocation, carcass removal, critter trapping, bird control, animal damage repair, and animal prevention. Call Critter Control of Cleveland today for the most updated commercial wildlife control services at 216.342.2316.